Created in Basel in 2010 in the heart of the European economic lung, at the crossroads of three countries, France, Germany and Switzerland, RODOS is today one of the leaders of express printing in Switzerland. We produce and deliver our customers' products worldwide.
RODOS works alongside the cosmetic, luxury and chemical companies in order to provide all stakeholders with a trustworthy medium of quality, rigor and value generator.
Our commitment to integrity and responsibility
As specialists in the document, we want Rodos to be an exemplary workplace where we can all develop and grow through our projects.
We strive to offer our customers and partners the best service as well as the support of a network of professionals.
We are committed to working with our employees in complete transparency in order to create a healthy environment through ethical values that respect people, the environment and applicable laws.
Created in Basel in 2010 in the heart of the European economic lung, at the crossroads of three countries, France, Germany and Switzerland, RODOS is today one of the leaders of express printing in Switzerland. We produce and deliver our customers' products worldwide.
RODOS works alongside the cosmetic, luxury and chemical companies in order to provide all stakeholders with a trustworthy medium of quality, rigor and value generator.
Created in Basel in 2010 in the heart of the European economic lung, at the crossroads of three countries, France, Germany and Switzerland, RODOS is today one of the leaders of express printing in Switzerland. We produce and deliver our customers' products worldwide.
RODOS works alongside the cosmetic, luxury and chemical companies in order to provide all stakeholders with a trustworthy medium of quality, rigor and value generator.